Payment Terms

  • We accept all major credit cards. We will send a credit card authorization form to you should you choose to pay by Credit Card and a 3% charge will be added to your invoice. We hold a 50% deposit once you’ve approved your project and we charge the balance after shipping the job to you.
  • We accept Wire Transfer. We will send you Wire Transfer instructions should you choose to pay this way.
  • Net 30-day Terms are subject to credit approval. We Accept US dollars Only. FINANCE CHARGES of 1.5% per month, 18% annually, will be charged on all past due invoices. If collection becomes necessary customer agrees to pay all costs of collection including reasonable attorney’s fee.
  • Upon final art proof approval, you are responsible for paying the final invoice in full from that moment forward.

Project Commencement

  • This agreement commences when Customer approves Estimate and method of payment has been established.
  • Please indicate your agreement with the Terms and Conditions of this quote by signing digitally, or by signing a hard copy and mailing to the address above, or by faxing a signed copy to us at 775-356-7712, or by scanning a copy and emailing it to the email address on Page 1. Please call us if you have any questions at (775) 229-7200.

Standard Production Turn Times

  • Our Standard production turn time is 3-5 working days after final Art/Data proof has been approved.
  • Projects that are required in less than 5 working days after final Art/Data proof are subject to Rush Charges.
  • Art Proofs on Standard jobs can be expected within 3 days after customer supplied files have been reviewed and approved by our Art Department and 4 days for jobs that include Variable Data that has been formatted properly and approved by our Art Department. We review new project art files daily at 3 p.m. for all Standard jobs
  • Separate conditions apply to jobs that are exceptionally large and/or complex

Shipping & Handling

  • Most of our customers prefer that we ship FedEx on our account number, and we will add any Shipping & Handling charges to the final invoice.
  • We can ship UPS and USPS as well and we can use Customer Supplied Shipping Accounts when asked to do so however we have found that there are limitations regarding our ability to track, re-route and insure, packages when customer accounts are used.


  • Customer acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement and its terms constitute the confidential information of AES. Customer agrees that Customer will hold in confidence and will not disclose this Agreement or any its terms to any other person or entity, other than those employees, contractors or agents of Customer having a need to know such information.

On behalf of ACCESS Event Solutions, we are committed to providing you with unique custom manufactured credentials, event accessories and graphic design needs. We thank you for your commitment to work with us.


ACCESS Event Solutions